(PDF portfolio)
While in Seoul, I handled various projects, from major clients to smaller art and cultural projects. Throughout these projects, my focus often leaned towards typography. I always aimed to bring in fresh typography elements, either by designing new fonts or modifying existing ones.
I’ve ventured into creating my own brand, organizing events, and building communities. I launched a brand which featured pins, badges, and other collectibles. I also initiated a large-scale dessert festival in Seoul, bridging small bakeries. My involvement with events also includes contributing to the Seoul Queer Culture Festival, By organizing and managing the 'Queer parade on my heart!' project with the participation of 15 graphic design teams, and serving as Art Director for the mayoral campaign of a young feminist Green Party candidate.
- 2023 Yale University School of Art MFA in Graphic Design, Connecticut, US
- 2015 Kookmin University BFA in Visual communication Design, Seoul, KR
- 2019 Typojanchi 2019: 6th International Typography Biennale @ Culture Station Seoul 284, Seoul, KR (group exhibition)
- 2018 Queer parade on My Heart! @Seoul Queer Culture Festival, Seoul, KR
- 2016 SeMA BLUE: Seoul Babel @Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, KR (group exhibition, also designed Visual identity of that exhibition)
- 2015 XS: Young Studio Collection @Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul, KR (group exhibition)
- 2013 The Goethe-Institut’s Reading Room Pyongyang: Between Object and Shadow @The Goethe-Institut, Amsterdam, NL (group exhibition)
- 2024 Awarded The Book Design Fellowship supported by Yale School of Art and Center for Book Arts in New York
- 2023 Honorary Awards - Phelps Berdan Memorial Award, @Yale School of Art commencement
- 2021 The Monocle Design Award 2021 Top50 winner (package design), UK
- 2018 Korea Design Awards - Grand Prize (Communication Design), KR
- 2016~2020 Korea Design Award - mentioned (Communication Design, Identity design), KR
- 2023 Participate Identity & Book design team of Yale School of Art Painting & Printmaking, Graphic Design, Photography Thesis Show, US
- 2022 Yale School of Architecture Annual book Retrospecta 45 Graphic design, US
- 2021 Art director of Seoul Intl. Book Fair, @SFactory, Seoul, KR
- 2019 Art director of Seoul Design festival: YOUNG RETRO @COEX, Seoul, KR
- 2018 Art director of Feminist mayor of Seoul candidate Jiye-Shin Campaign Camp (the Green party)
- 2017 Co-director of ʻSeoul Cake Week 2017' @Buk Seoul Museum of Art Seoul, KR
- 2015~2021 Co-founder of Sunny-Studio, Seoul, KR Clients: NIKE Korea, Amore Pacific, AB InBev, etc.,
- 2012~2020 Co-director of GWAJAJUN (ʻSweets Exhibition' in Korea) with WORKS @COEX, Seoul Olympic Stadium and Various Locations, Seoul, KR
Amore Pacific
AB InBev Korea
Chang-bi Publication
Nike Korea
Nam June Paik Art Center
Seoul International Book fair
Seoul Museum of Art
Seoul Design Festival
The Green Party
Hyundai Department Store
Yale School of Art
Yale School of Architecture
Cat Wentworth
Chul-hee Park (Sunny studio)
Filip Birkner
Hyeon-ho Cha
Jaemin Lee (studio fnt)
Junyi Shi
Lester Rosso
Paul Bille
Siri Lee